“Inkiriskur itak” のwerson間の差分

11行目: 11行目:
![[sa ununehum|sa]]
![[noski ununehum|noski]]
![[mak ununehum|mak]]
![[hutne ununehum|hutne]]
31行目: 31行目:
![[emkohutne ununehum|emkohutne]]
45行目: 45行目:
![[emkosep ununehum|emkosep]]
59行目: 59行目:
![[sep ununehum|sep]]
77行目: 77行目:
![[urenpatoy haw|urenpatoy]]
![[mimak haw|mimak]]
![[re haw|re]]
![[mak re]]
![[mak re haw|mak re]]
![[nitnenikotor haw|nitnenikotor]]
![[hapurnikotor haw|hapurnikotor]]
![[rekut haw|rekut]]
![[etu haw|etu]]
94行目: 94行目:
![[pus haw|pus]]
|{{IPA2|p  b}}
|{{IPA2|p  b}}
103行目: 103行目:
![[pussiru haw|pussiru]]
112行目: 112行目:
![[siru haw|siru]]
|{{IPA2|f v}}
|{{IPA2|f v}}
|{{IPA2|θ ð}}
|{{IPA2|θ ð}}
121行目: 121行目:
![[hanke haw|hanke]]
130行目: 130行目:
![[teksam hanke]]
![[teksam hanke haw|teksam hanke]]

2024 ppm 5 2024-05-15T23:50:12+00:00up 15 312024 (Wak.) 23:50時点における最新werson

Inkiriskur itak
Inkiriskur itak: English
Hawhum IPA: ['ɪŋɡlɪʃ]
Mosir Inkiris, Amerika, Kanata, Áwstorariya, Niwsiranto, Era, Koyka Ahurika Ukotankoremosir, Huwiripin, Sinkapura, Honkon hene (ine hotne mosir ya kotan ya neno)
Sisserke sapaneno cuppok Ewropa, koypok Ewropa, cupka-koyka Asiya, koypok Amerika-sisepmosir, Oseaniya, Cuppok-Into-usapoysir poyserke hene
Itakkur wániknen a=kasu
話者数の順位 2-3
Itakitokpa Rómaunkur itakitokpa
Itak Iuscipiskip
ISO 639-1 en
ISO 639-2 eng
ISO 639-3 [[ISO639-3:eng|eng]]
Glottolog Nokaor:Glottolink[1]
Linguasphere 52-ABA

Inkiriskur itak (Inkiriskur itak: English, /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/) mosir epitta ta iyotta a=ye itak ne.



Inkiriskur itak anak ununehum kor. Eurenka hawhum anak har somo sikarinpa, si sikainpa.

sa noski mak
hutne i u
ɪ ʊ
emkohutne e o
emkosep ɛ ɜ ʌ ɔ
æ (ɐ)
sep a (ä) ɑ ɒ
tup uwousi ununehum eɪ əʊ aɪ aʊ ɔɪ ɪə eə ʊə
rep uwousi ununehum ɔɪə aɪə aʊə (eɪə əʊə)


urenpatoy mimak re mak re nitnenikotor hapurnikotor rekut
etu m n ŋ
pus p b t d k g
pussiru (ts dz) tʃ dʒ
siru f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h
hanke ɹ j w
teksam hanke l
  1. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin et al., eds (2016). “Inkiriskur itak”. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. http://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/stan1293