Aynu itak

2024 ppm 3 2024-03-05T17:46:28+00:00up 5 312024 (Ape.) 17:46時点におけるMkpoli (Ukoytak | isankep)によるwerson

Aynu itak(/aj.nu i.tak/ [ˈʔäjꜜˌnu ʔi.ˈtäk̚]) anak Aynu kor itak ne.

Ainu itak
アイヌ イタㇰ
Айну итак
Hawhum IPA: /aj.nu i.tak/
Mosir 日本の旗 Nippon
Sisserke Aynu mosir (Yaun mosir. Teeta KaraputoRuttom ikinnepoysirTohoku sisserke (Sisam mosir) or ta a=ye)
Itakkur 1996 pa sirunkurpiski: 15n[1]
2007 pa sirunkurpiski: 10n[2]
2017 pa sirunkurpiski: 5n
Yaykoan itak
  • Ainu itak
    アイヌ イタㇰ
    Айну итак
Itakitokpa KatakanaRómaunkur ItakitokpaNuca Itakitokpa (Hanke-ikir wano)
Isam (Husko)
Itak Iuscipiskip
ISO 639-2 ain
ISO 639-3 ain
Glottolog Nokaor:Glottolink[3]
isam eyayhomsu iurenkare
Critically endangered (Moseley 2010)
Ruttom un aynu itak Isam
Karapto un aynu itak Isam
Aynu mosir un aynu itak Sonno eyayhomsu



Aynu itak anak askne ununehum kor.

sa noski mak
hutne i u
noski e o
sep a

Ponehum anak tup ikasma wanpe oka.

urenpatoy re nitnenikotor hapurnikotor rekut
etu m n
pus p t k '
pussiru c
siru s h
toptukan r
hanke j w


Aynu itak tu Itak-itokpa eywanke.


Aynu itak anak sisak Itak-irenka kor.




  1. UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
  2. Bradley, D. Languages of Mainland South-East Asia (2007) In O. Miyaoka, O. Sakiyama, and M. E. Krauss (eds.), The vanishing languages of the Pacific Rim, pp. 301–336. Oxford Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  3. Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin et al., eds (2016). “Ainu”. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. http://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/ainu1252 

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